Grow community of your Masjid by new technology!
- Show messages to anyone visiting your Masjid page
- The same information on all type of devices
- Automatic adjustment for daylight saving
- Reminders/Alerts on mobile phones at Salah and Iqama times which are highly customizable.
- Option to mark any Masjid as favorite and its management
- The application also provides a home screen widget for quick viewing of Salah times without even opening the app.
- Ability to share applications with other mobile phone users.
- User can register his/her Masjid by using the register Masjid feature.

Five Minutes Matters
You or the Muazzin don’t have to look at the screen. At each Adhan and Iqamah a buzz sound is played. Nobody will be in doubt that the time of Adhan or Iqamah has started.
Now you will be right on time for every Salah in your Masjid إن شاء الله!
Sound Feedback
The system plays three discreet sounds, so that you don’t even have to look at the screen to know the event related to Salah.
The final warning buzz to turn off mobile phones is played 45 sec prior to Iqamah and has two purposes. To remind turning off the mobile phone and to advice the people in sunnah prayers to finish their sunnah in 45 sec as the Jamaah will stand soon. We don’t play the Adhan or Iqamah as it is the duty of the Muazzin and it carries high reward to call the Adhan and Iqamah.

Less Distraction
Do people constantly look at their mobile phones when waiting for Salah? Does the phones ring under Salah? This is annoying and distracting for all the community how came for peace and prayers in the Masjid.
The discreet sound feedbacks free you from looking at any device. You can concentrate and devote yourself more to your prayers.
The My-Masjid solution reminds to turn off mobile phones as a sliding image:
3 times before Adhan
3 times before Iqamah
It provides “a single point of truth” about the timings observed in the Masjid – without debates or distraction.